Document software by specifying metadata

From Geoscience Paper of the Future
Revision as of 23:54, 16 June 2015 by Yolanda (Talk | contribs) (Training Materials)

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What This Task Involves

The training session and training materials indicate how to:

  • Describe your software so that others can find it and use it by describing metadata to:
    1. Uniquely identify the software
    2. Understand what the software does
    3. Run the software
    4. Do research with the software
    5. Get support if you have questions or find bugs
    6. Contribute to the development of the software

Training Materials

This training session will be held on May 1, 2015:

Suggested Readings

What To Do

  • Describe your software using the GeoSoft software registry
    • It will walk you through questions
    • It will give you a pointer to a structured description of your software metadata.
    • GeoSoft is still a prototype, we appreciate your comments and feedback!