Cedric David should make software executable by others

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Details on how to do this task: Make software executable by others

The RAPID model is available at https://github.com/c-h-david/rapid. Tutorials on how to install and run RAPID are available on the RAPID website. My hope here is to include all the instructions on how to run the RAPID simulations in the first RAPID article in a series of shell scripts. This will not only allow others to install RAPID and run the corresponding experiments. This would also permit the use of Continuous Integrations services. Tasks that are needed here:
- Add and test a .travis.yml file to allow for installing RAPID on a hosted Continuous Integration engine: Travis CI. Populate the file based on existing tutorials available on the RAPID website. Completed .
- Create a series of shell scripts that allow reproducing all experiments in the article. Pending .
- Make these scripts available online. Pending .
- Include the scripts in the .travis.yml file. Pending .