Hold regular telecons

From Geoscience Paper of the Future
Revision as of 00:13, 13 March 2015 by Yolanda (Talk | contribs) (Next Telecon: Friday March 6, 2014)

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Call Time and Access Codes

The regular call time is Fridays at 2-3:30PM PST every other week starting February 6. The time was selected based on a doodle poll.

To join the meeting:

  1. Online:
    • Join WebEx meeting
    • Select "GeoSoft GPF"
    • Meeting number: 800 161 248
    • Meeting password: geo123
  1. By phone
    • Call 1-650-479-3208 (US/Canada)
    • Access code: 800 161 248

Telecon Friday February 6, 2014

To prepare for the call, you should select a paper that you would like to use for the work. It could be a paper of yours (published or in preparation), or a seminal paper by someone else in your field that you would like to reproduce/understand/make available to the community in a better format. You can form a team to work on the same paper if you prefer.


  1. What is a GPF and what it would entail
  2. Planning the GPF activities for the next 4-5 months
  3. Questions from everyone about their particular papers
  4. How the web site works
    • Learn the basics of how wikis work: Quick Guide to Using a Wiki, or the detailed User's Guide.
    • The left side is for navigating different tasks. You won't need to create tasks yourself, but if you are curious about how to do that see here.

Meeting Notes

Everyone can help take notes during the meeting by editing this shared document.

Next Telecon: Friday February 20, 2014


  1. Training on how to use this wiki, here is an overview
  2. Report from everyone on the prior task: ensuring software is usable
  3. Training about the next task: making data accessible, here are the slides for the presentation, further readings are provided here

Meeting Notes

Everyone can help take notes during the meeting by editing this shared document.

Next Telecon: Friday March 6, 2014


  1. Report from everyone on the prior task: making data accessible
  2. Training about the next task: document the provenance of the results, here are the slides for the presentation
  3. Q/A about F2F meeting

Face-to-Face Meeting: March 13, 2014
